Monday, April 23, 2007

Week 7

At today's tutorial I thought it would be a good idea to have look for some sound effects that can be used in our game, even if we don't find anything final I think its a good idea to just check out whats out there and what we can get for free. Pete found a lot of good sounds at Flash Kit, but I'm not sure if they are free to use or not, we will have to investigate it further.

We also talked about making a second game, the one we both agreed upon was "Asteroids". Pete and I both thought it would actually be pretty easy to make with our existing engine structure, and we already have all the code we need to deal with collisions, graphics and input it will just require its own game logic. I nominated to build it and leave Pete to fix up the collision code and do some other modules like profiles and stats.

Tom was pretty impressed with what we have done so far, a lot of the other groups haven't had much progress apparently. I built that version whilst at uni the day before, Pete and I have been using version 1.6.0 for our development whilst the uni computers use version 1.5.0. As I found out Java isn't backwards compatible, I guess when they make a new version it takes a long time and they tend to make major changes. Fortunatly it wasn't a massive effort to get the game compiled, the computers have Netbeans installed on them so I could open my project and compile it with relative ease and without any hiccups.

Thats all for today, ill post more later.

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